Give your local health providers a healthy dose of recognition
How can you celebrate the amazing work that our health professionals and local volunteers do every day in rural Alberta?
- Many communities around rural Alberta organize health professional recognition activities to express their appreciation for their healthcare heroes.
- Ask your local RhPAP Rural Community Consultants about how to recognize and celebrate those within your community who help keep health care close to home.
- Is your community looking for health professionals? RhPAP can help. We have a full toolkit of great ideas for attracting and retaining health professionals in rural communities.
Show your support!
Join us in celebrating Alberta Rural Health Week. Show your early support by filling out our online form and submitting your logo (if you have one). We’ll display your organization or municipal logo on our site.
Municipalities are encouraged to proclaim Alberta Rural Health Week in their cities, towns and villages!
Join the conversation!
Checkout our toolkit full of resources to help spread the word!
During Alberta Rural Health Week, be sure to consider the following:
- Snap a picture with a #ABRuralHealthMatters sign and show your support for rural health. (printable sign coming soon)
- Give a shout out to the health professionals in your area that mean so much to you – Remember to tag #ABRuralHealthMatters and #AlbertaRuralHealthWeek
- Follow RhPAP on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube at @AlbertaRhPAP
- Stay tuned to RhPAP social media (@AlbertaRhPAP) and this web page for information about news and special events pertaining to Alberta Rural Health Week
- Get sample posts and Alberta Rural Health Week imagery from our ARHW Toolkit