Health professionals from the Town of Athabasca, Athabasca County, Village of Boyle, and the MD of Opportunity region will teach high school students from Athabasca and Boyle basic medical skills at an upcoming skills day to be held at the Athabasca Regional Multiplex on March 23, 2023. RhPAP Let’s Go Rural! high school skills day events encourage students to consider careers rural health care while introducing them to local opportunities that may be available.
The interactive day offers rural students a hands-on introduction to common health-care activities under the instruction of local health-care professionals. Students can also speak with instructors about health-related careers in the community, health-care provider job experiences, and the educational requirements for specific health-care careers. This event is organized by RhPAP and the Regional Healthcare Attraction and Retention Committee (RHARC), Alberta Health Services, local health professionals, and Athabasca University.
RhPAP Let’s Go Rural! High School Skills Day
Location: Athabasca Regional Multiplex, 2 University Dr., Athabasca, Alberta
Days: March 23, 2023
Skills: IV Starts / Respiratory / Injections / Suturing / EMS
Featuring: Health-care panel at lunchtime