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'It's Just Like Home Here'. Hythe Continuing Care Centre Team Rhapsody Award Profile

Bobby Jones

January 7, 2019

One thought on “‘It’s Just Like Home Here’. Hythe Continuing Care Centre Team Rhapsody Award Profile

  • My beautiful loving sister was in Beaverlodge hospital for the better part of a year due to a physical disability and a recent cancer diagnosis .As staying at home was no longer an option she was moved on Dec15 to Hythe CC Centre. Approximately 5 weeks ago she was moved into a palliative room where my niece also came to stay with her mom. A few weeks later I joined in and stayed for 10 days .From the moment I stepped in the door I was greeted with nothing but love and kindness. The facility was spotless the residents were all clean and well groomed and busy with activities. The staff in Hythe deserve many rewards for the care they extend to there clients the way they treated my niece and I was like we were there family the care and love they gave to my sister deeply touched my heart. My sister passed away yesterday but I know that she left the world with A WHOLE LOT OF LOVE those were her words in her final days not mine. Thank You from the bottom of my heart.

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