In cooperation with the Campus for Communities of the Future, a social enterprise developed by Brenda Herchmer, RhPAP has launched a rural community building webinar series for rural leaders who want to make a difference in their communities.
The course was offered by RhPAP to health professions attraction and retention committees across rural Alberta, and the response has been overwhelming. All spots in the course have been filled, and there is a waiting list for those wishing to participating in this series.
The first session is taking place this morning with participants from more than 20 rural Alberta communities. Over the next two months registrants will take part in seven 1-1.5 hr. webinars on Monday mornings, covering the following topics:
- Introduction to Community Building
- The Increasing Relevance and Importance of Being Community-Driven
- Supporting Individual and Community Change
- Tools for Enhancing Community Leadership
- Outcome-Focused Leadership
- Measuring Impact: Evaluation Basics
- Essentials for Engaging and Empowering Citizens and Volunteers
Two face-to-face workshops will be part of this series, and will occur May 7 and May 9 in locations throughout rural Alberta. Registrants are able to attend the workshops in-person, or do the session via webinar. The face to face workshops will also be opened up for other A&R committee members to attend – stay tuned for the registration details!
Registered participants have the choice of completing a certification option or attending sessions only.