The SRPC’s annual Rural and Remote Medicine Conference is rapidly approaching! This year it is happening in Calgary from April 6-8, 2017.
In order to celebrate 25 years of R&R, SRPC is looking for some things to share at the conference; if you have the following memories or photos you are willing to share, please email them to
- Pictures from past R&R conferences
- Memories/anecdotes from past conferences
- Memories of your first rural preceptor or first rural experience
- What made you choose rural medicine?
In order to preserve the suspense, please avoid posting directly to RURALMED; SRPC will be sharing many of the stories we receive at the conference.
Stories will be made widely available after the conference, for those who are unable to attend.
Additionally, if you will be joining SRPC in Calgary this year and have any bags/shirts/vests or other memorabilia from past conferences that you would be willing to loan us for our display, please let them know and bring them along! They will be returned post-conference.