Health providers from the St. Paul region will teach basic health-care skills to over 20 bilingual nursing and health-care aide students at an upcoming post-secondary experience in St. Paul and Elk Point, Alberta on Oct. 21-23, 2022. Students from the University of Alberta’s Faculté Saint-Jean, the Centre collégial de l’Alberta, and the Faculty of Nursing will receive an interactive, skills-based introduction to working in rural Alberta as part of a multidisciplinary rural health-care team.
This Let’s Go Rural! weekend experience will provide an introduction to living and working as rural health-care professionals, particularly focusing on the bilingual (French/English) and multicultural aspects of both St. Paul and Elk Point. The visit will also highlight local attractions for students to consider the area for future preceptorship and employment opportunities. Funding for this event has been provided by Faculté Saint-Jean through a grant from Health Canada.
An effective way of attracting health-care providers to rural communities is to allow them to experience rural practice and what it would be like to live in a rural community before they start making practice decisions. RhPAP Let’s Go Rural! events, including post-secondary experiences and events for high school students, are sponsored by RhPAP, and are scheduled in rural Alberta communities throughout the year by the RhPAP Rural Community Consultant team. For more information visit rhpap.ca//letsgorural.
RhPAP would like to thank the following groups for contributing to the event:
ACFA, Town of Elk Point, St. Paul Regional FCSS, Town of St. Paul, County of St. Paul, Elk Point Seniors Club, Palliative Care Society, St. Paul Health Professions Attraction and Retention Committee.