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Healthcare teams across the province appreciated during Alberta Rural Health Week

Alberta Rural Health Week, held from May 27 to 31, 2024, was a vibrant celebration of the unsung heroes of rural healthcare. Organized by RhPAP,…

Alberta Rural Health Week, held from May 27 to 31, 2024, was a vibrant celebration of the unsung heroes of rural healthcare. Organized by RhPAP, this annual event shone a spotlight on the dedicated healthcare providers and community volunteers who…

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  • Unexpected journey leads Ponoka graduate to return home for nursing career

    Unexpected journey leads Ponoka graduate to return home for nursing career

    Job during gap year ignites a passion for health care Never say never has a new meaning for MacKenzy Hatala. When the...

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  • A day in the life of a rural general surgeon

    A day in the life of a rural general surgeon

    Dr. Kevin Whitlock, arrived in the operating room just before 8 a.m. A rural general surgeon at the Rocky Mountain House Health...

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  • Rural health professionals invited to shape their future education options

    Rural health professionals invited to shape their future education options

    For Dr. Jane Fowke and her husband, Dr. Ian Macdonald, virtual continuing professional development is nothing new. The couple have been attending...

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  • $6M for medical students to work in rural Alberta

    $6M for medical students to work in rural Alberta

    More physicians will be working in rural Alberta thanks to a $6-million investment that will increase Albertans’ access to the care they...

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  • Rural cancer patients can EXCEL at living well

    Rural cancer patients can EXCEL at living well

    EXCEL is EXercise for Cancer to Enhance Living Well, and is an exercise study (ETHICS ID: HREBA.CC-20-0098). EXCEL provides an exercise program...

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  • Peace River committee knows making the partner feel welcome is a game changer

    Peace River committee knows making the partner feel welcome is a game changer

    As far as health workforce attraction and retention committees go, Peace Regional Healthcare Attraction and Retention Committee (PRHARC) is just a youngster....

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  • Rural VIP No. 17: Health Literacy

    Rural VIP No. 17: Health Literacy

    For the March 2021 survey, we asked Rural Voice Information Panel (Rural VIP) members about the resources they use when seeking health-care information, their satisfaction with these resources, and the impact of these resources on...

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  • Students share tips on various ways to get to medical school

    Students share tips on various ways to get to medical school

    Don’t rule out becoming a physician just because you started your undergraduate degree in a subject like agriculture, nursing, or physiotherapy. That’s...

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  • Rural Alberta students keen to learn how to get into medicine

    Rural Alberta students keen to learn how to get into medicine

    A recent session aimed at sharing tips on getting into medical school had widespread appeal with rural high school students across the...

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  • Recycling helps RhPAP be lean and green

    Recycling helps RhPAP be lean and green

    March 18, 2021 is Global Recycling Day. The Global Recycling Foundation recognizes this day as a time for recognizing the people, places,...

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  • Mentorship network provides peer-to-peer support and resources for treating chronic pain and addiction 

    Mentorship network provides peer-to-peer support and resources for treating chronic pain and addiction 

    Chronic pain and substance use disorders are serious, complex conditions. Twenty per cent of Canadians report having chronic pain, and, in the...

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  • Canine connection provides unique mental health support

    Canine connection provides unique mental health support

    EMS responders receive support from man’s best friend A one-of-a-kind mental health program is offering more support for Alberta Emergency Medical Services (EMS)...

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